Publication List

J. Török, J. Kertész and S. S. Manna, Phase Transition in a Two-dimensional Green Wave Traffic model, in Traffic and Granular Flow Proceedings of a Conference, Jülich, 1995 (World Scientific, 1996)
J. Török and J. Kertész, The Green Wave Model of Two Dimensional Traffic: Transitions in the Flow Properties and in the Geometry of the Traffic Jam, Physica A 231, 515, (1996).
J. Török (under the direction of János Kertész), Fázisátalakulás jellegû viselkedés közlekedési modellekben, (Diploma work, Eötvös University, Budapest 1996) (in Hungarian).
J. Török (under the direction of Stéphane Roux), Homogeneization of disordered rigid-plastic systems, (DEA Rapport, Université de Paris Sud, Orsay 1997).
J. Török and S. Roux, Heterogeneous Mohr-Coulomb plastic material, Granular Matter 2, 71 (2000).
J. Török, S. Krishnamurthy, J. Kertész and S. Roux, Aging and Self-Organization of Shear Band in Granular Materials, Physica A 274, 374 (1999).
J. Török, J. Kertész, S. Krishnamurthy and S. Roux, Self-organization, Localization of Shear Bands and Aging in Loose Granular Materials, Physical Review Letters 84, 3851 (2000) also at cond-mat/0003070.
J. Török, J. Kertész, S. Krishnamurthy and S. Roux, Self-Quenched Dynamics, The European Physical Journal B 18, 697 (2000) also at cond-mat/0004218.
János Török, Shearing of Granular Materials, PhD thesis, Budapest University of Technology and Université de Paris-Sud XI, 2000.
Y. Kafri, E. Levine, D. Mukamel, G. M. Schütz, and J. Török Criterion for Phase Separation in One-Dimensional Driven Systems, Physical Review Letters 89, 35702 (2002) also at cond-mat/0204319.
Y. Kafri, E. Levine, D. Mukamel, and J. Török Sharp crossover and anomalously large correlation length in driven systems, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 35, L459 (2002) also at cond-mat/0206145.
J. Török, J. Kertész, S. Krishnamurthy and S. Roux, Slow dynamics in self-organizing systems, Physica A, 314, 567 (2002).
J. Török, J. Kertész, S. Krishnamurthy and S. Roux, Shearing of loose granular materials: A statistical mesoscopic model, Physical Review E, 67, 21303 (2003) also at cond-mat/0209209.
J. Török, J. Kertész, S. Krishnamurthy and S. Roux, Slow relaxation due to optimization and restructuring: Solution on a hierarchical lattice, Physical Review E, 67, 26108 (2003) also at cond-mat/0209211.
T. Unger, J. Török, J. Kertész, D. E. Wolf, Shear Band Formation in Granular Media as a Variational Problem, Physical Review Letters, 92, 214301 (2004) also at cond-mat/0401143.
J. Török, Analytic study of clustering in shaken granular material using zero-range processes, Physica A, 355, 374 (2005) also at cond-mat/0407567.
J. Török, S. Fazekas, T. Unger, D.E. Wolf, Relationship between particle size and normal force, In R. Garcíja and H.J. Herrmann and S. McNamara, editors Powder and Grains 2005, page 1273, Balkema (2005).
S. Fazekas, J. Török, J. Kertész, D.E. Wolf, Computer simulation of three dimensional shearing of granular materials: Formation of shear bands, In R. Garcíja and H.J. Herrmann and S. McNamara, editors Powder and Grains 2005, page 223, Balkema (2005).
T. Unger, D. E. Wolf, J. Török, J. Kertész, Shear band formation as a variational problem, In R. Garcíja and H.J. Herrmann and S. McNamara, editors Powder and Grains 2005, page 227, Balkema (2005).
S. Fazekas, J. Török, J. Kertész and D. E. Wolf, Morphologies of three-dimensional shear bands in granular media, Physical Review E, 74, 031303 (2006) also at cond-mat/0506661.
S. Fazekas, J. Török and J. Kertész, Critical packing in granular shear bands, Physical Review E, 75, 011302 (2007) also at cond-mat/0506661.
J. Török, T. Unger, D. E. Wolf, J. Kertész, Shear zones in granular materials: Optimization in a self-organized random potential, Physical Review E, 75, 011305 (2007) also at cond-mat/0506661.
J. Török, L. Brendel, D. E. Wolf, Shear Band Patterns in Biaxially Sheared Granular Media, In M. Nakagawa, S. Luding, editors, AIP Conf. Proc. 1145 Powder and Grains 2009, page 417, Balkema (2009).
D. Pasztuhov and J. Török A Gradient Hybrid Parallel Algorithm to One-Parameter Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4818, 500-507 (2009).
J. Török, D. Németh and M. Lakat Effective Algorithm for Calculating Spatial Deformations of Pre-stressed Concrete Beams, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5910, 546-553 (2010).
R. Kirsch, U. Bröckel, L. Brendel, J. Török, Measuring tensile, shear and torsional strength of solid bridges between particles in the millimeter regime, Granular Matter, 13, 517-523 (2011).
L. Brendel, J. Török, R. Kirsch, U. Bröckel, A contact model for the yielding of caked granular materials, Granular Matter, 13, 777-786 (2011).
T. Stegmann, J. Török, L. Brendel, D. E. Wolf, Minimal dissipation theory and shear bands in biaxial tests, Granular Matter, 13, 565-571 (2011).
Zahra Shojaaee, M. Reza Shaebani, Lothar Brendel, J. Török, An Adaptive Hierarchical Domain Decomposition Method for Parallel Contact Dynamics Simulations of Granular Materials, Journal of Computational Physics, doi:10.1016/, (2011).
Z. Shojaaee, L. Brendel, J. Török, D. E. Wolf, Shear flow of dense granular materials near smooth walls. II. Block formation and suppression of slip by rolling friction, Physical Review E, 86, 011302 doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.86.011302 (2012).
Tamás Börzsönyi, Balázs Szabó, Sandra Wegner, Kirsten Harth, János Török, Ellák Somfai, Tomasz Bien, Ralf Stannarius Orientational Order and Alignment of Elongated Particles Induced by Shear, Physical Review Letters, 108, 228302 doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.228302 (2012).
T. Börzsönyi, B. Szabó, G. Törös, S. Wegner, J. Török, E. Somfai, T. Bien, and R. Stannarius, Shear-induced alignment and dynamics of elongated granular particles, Physical Review E, 86, 051304 doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.86.051304 (2012).
R Moosavi, MR Shaebani, M Maleki, J Török, DE Wolf, W Losert Coexistence and Transition between Shear Zones in Slow Granular Flows, Physical Review Letters, 111, 148301 doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.111.148301 (2013).
István Fejér, László Halmai, János Török, Erhöhung der Verwerfungssicherheit von lückenlosen Gleisen, Der Eisenbahningenieur, 3, 6-11 (2014).

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Last modified: 23 August 2014