Sandor Kugler's Home Page


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List of publication

1. L.Bata, I.Vizi, S.Kugler: Interpretation of the quasi-elastic neutron scattering on PAA by rotational diffusion models; KFKI Preprint 1974-75

2. L.Bata, I.Vizi, S.Kugler: Rotational diffusion motion of PAA molecules in liquid crystal state; Solid State Comm. 18 55-56. (1976)

3. I.Pocsik, K.Tompa, J.Lasanda, S.Kugler, G.Naray-Szabo: Motion of group in PAA in the solid phase; KFKI Preprint, 1977-40

4. S.Kugler: Semi-empirical conformationnal analysis of a liquid crystal molecule: p-azoxy-anisole; Periodica Politechnica, 3-4 21.(1977)

5. S.Kugler: A nematikus folyadékkristályok mikrodinamikájának vizsgálata; Magyar Fizikai Folyóirat, XXVII, 310-341, (1979) (in Hungarian)

6. S.Kugler, G.Naray-Szabo: Quantum chemical study of internal rotations in liquid crystal molecules; Acta Phys. Hung. 46 69-76 (1979)

7. L.Bata, I.Vizi, J.Szabon, S.Kugler: The motion of the long molecular axis around the director in nematics; Advances in Liquid Crystal Research and Applications, Ed. L.Bata, Pergamon Press, Oxford, Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 383-394. (1980)

8. M.Riedel, J.Antal and S.Kugler: Secondary ion emission of homogeneous alloys; Acta Phys. Hung. 49 105-115 (1980)

9. J.Antal and S.Kugler: Critical investigation of the secondary ion emission of pure metals using the pseudo-atom method; Acta Phys. Hung. 49 351-360 (1980)

10. J.Antal, S.Kugler and L.Orosz: Further studies on the secondary ion emission of pure metals using the pseudo-atom method; Acta Phys. Hung. 51 203-206 (1981)

11. J.Antal, S.Kugler and M.Riedel: Computer peak identification and evaluation of SIMS spectra; Proceeding of the third international conference, Ed.: A.Benninghoven et al. Springer-Verlag 297-300 (1982)

12. P.Birner, S.Kugler, K.Simon, G.Naray-Szabo:Theoretical conformational analysis of substituted phenylbenzoates; Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 80 11-17. (1982)

13. W.Steiger, F.G.Ruedenauer, J.Antal and S.Kugler: Automated peak interpretation in low resolution SIMS spectra; a comparison of two algorithms; Vacuum, 33 321-327 (1983)

14. J.Antal and S.Kugler: Problems in computer evaluation of SIMS spectra; Vacuum 35 583-587 (1985)

15. G.Naray-Szabo, Gy.Kramer, P.Nagy, S.Kugler: Towards a quantum chemical software package utilizing transferable fragments as molecular building blocks; J. Comput. Chem. 8 555-561 (1987)

16. S.Kugler and G.Narai-Szabo: Charge distribution in amorphous silicon clusters. Quantum chemical study combined with ring statistics; J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 97&98 503-506 (1987)

17. S.Kugler, P.R.Surjan and G.Naray-Szabo: Theoretical estimation of static charge fluctuation in amorphous silicon; Phys. Rev. B, 37 9069-9071 (1988)

18. S.Kugler and I.Laszlo: Connection between topology and Pi-electron structure in amorphous carbon; Phys. Rev. B 39 3882-3884 (1989)

19. S.Kugler and I.Laszlo: Topology and Pi-electron structure in amorphous carbon; Proc. of Non-crystalline semiconductors-89, Uzhgorod III. 26-28 (1989)

20. S.Kugler: On atomic charge fluctuation in amorphous silicon; Proc. of Non-crystalline semiconductors-89, Uzhgorod III. 31-33 (1989)

21. L.Rosta, R.Bellissent, S.Kugler, A.Menelle and G. Peto: Neutron diffraction study of the structure of pure amorphous silicon; Proc. of Non-crystalline semiconductors-89, Uzhgorod III. 68-70 (1989) (in Russian)

22. S.Kugler, G.Molnar, G.Peto, E.Zsoldos, L.Rosta, A.Menelle and R.Bellissent: Neutron diffraction study of the structure of evaporated pure amorphous silicon; Phys. Rev. B, 40 8030-8032 (1989)

23. I.Laszlo and S.Kugler: On Pi-electron structure in amorphous carbon; Proc. of the 19th Annual International Symposium on the Electronic Structure of Solids, 204-207 1989 Holzhau, GDR

24. S.Kugler and G.Naray-Szabo: Charge distribution in diamond-like amorphous carbon, Technical Report of ISSP, The University of Tokyo Ser. A, No. 2381 (1991) and Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 30 7A L1149-1151 (1991)

25. S.Kugler and G.Naray-Szabo: Weak bonds and atomic charge distribution in hydrogenated amorphous silicon; J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 137&138 295-298 (1991)

26. I.Laszlo and S.Kugler: Self doping and hopping conductivity in amorphous carbon; J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 137&138 831-834 (1991)

27. S.Kugler and G.Naray-Szabo: Atomic charge distribution in fourfold coordinated amorphous materials. Carbon and silicon. Acta Phys. Hung. 70 351 (1991)

28. S. Kugler, L. Pusztai, L. Rosta, P. Chieux, and R. Bellissent: The structure of evaporated pure amorphous silicon. Neutron diffraction and Reverse Monte Carlo investigations. Phys. Rev. B, 48 7685 (1993)

29. Laszlo Pusztai and Sandor Kugler: Reverse Monte Carlo simulation: The structure of amorphous silicon, J. Non-Cryst. Solids. 164&166 147-150 (1993)

30. S. Kugler, K. Shimakawa, T. Watanabe, K. Hayashi, I. Laszlo, and R. Bellissent: The Temperature Dependence of Amorphous Carbon Structure, J. Non-Cryst. Solids. 164&166 1143-1146 (1993).

31. S. Kugler and L. Pusztai: Investigations on the structure of evaporated pure amorphous silicon, Acta Phys. Hung. 75 261-265 (1994).

32. S. Kugler: Short Range Order and Atomic Charge Distribution in Amorphous Silicon, in Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon, Solid State Phenomena, Ed. H Neber-Aeschbacher, SCITEC PUBLICATIONS 44-46 559-568 (1995).

33. Krisztina Kadas, Istvan Laszlo, and Sandor Kugler: Topologically determined midgap states in amorphous carbon; five- and seven-fold rings, J. Non-Cryst. Solids. 198-200 91-93 (1996).

34. S. Kugler, A. Janossy, K. Shimakawa, K. Hayashi, O. Chauvet: The temperature dependence of electron spin resonance in amorphous carbon films, J. Non-Cryst. Solids. 198-200 646-648 (1996).

35. K. Kadas, I. Laszlo and S. Kugler: Atomic structure and electronic density of states around the Fermi level in amorphous carbon models, Solid State Comm., 97 631-634 (1996).

36. K. Kadas, S. Kugler and G. Naray-Szabo: The Molecular Electrostatic Field as a Reactivity Map for the Si(111) Surface, J. of Physical Chemistry, 100 8462-67 (1996).

37. Krisztina Kadas and Sandor Kugler: Midgap states in nitrogen doped diamond-like amorphous carbon, Solid State Comm., 102 721-723 (1997).

38. Krisztina Kadas and Sandor Kugler: Impurity levels in phosphorus and boron doped amorphous silicon, Phil. Mag. B 76 281-285 (1997).

39. Krisztina Kadas G. G. Ferenczy and Sandor Kugler: Theory of dopant pairs in fourfold coordinated amorphous semiconductors, J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 227-230 367-371 (1998).

40. Krisztian Kohary, Sandor Kugler and Istvan Laszlo: Molecular dinamics simulation of amorphous carbon structures, J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 227-230 pp594-596 (1998).

41. S. Kugler, K. Kohary, and I. Laszlo,: Microscopic Structure of Amorphous Carbon. Tight-Binding Molecular dynamics Study. Proceedings of N2M Workshop, Grenoble, France, 1998. AIP Conference Proceedings 479. pp64-69.

42. S. Kugler, I. Laszlo, K. Kohary, and K. Shimakawa: Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Amorphous Carbon Structures, Functional Materials, 6 p459 (1999)

43. K. Kohary, S. Kugler: Growth of amorphous semiconductors: tigth-binding molecular dinamics study, J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 266-269 746-749 (2000).

44. S. Kugler: Current understanding of structures in amorphous semiconductors (Review, in Japanese, trans: K. Shimakawa), Kotai Butsuri (Solid State Physics) 35 783-790 (2000)

45. S. Kugler and Z. Varallyay: Possible unusual atomic arrangements in the structure of amorphous silicon, Phil. Mag. Lett. 81 569 (2001)

46. K. Kohary and S. Kugler: Growth of amorphous carbon. Low energy Molecular Dynamics simulation of atomic bombardment, Phys. Rev. B, 63 193404 (2001)

47. K. Kohary and S. Kugler: Time development during growth and relaxation of a amorphous carbon. Tigth-binding molecular dynamics study, J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 299--302 824-829 (2002).

48. Z. Varallyay and S. Kugler: Are the triangles and the squares possible local atomic arrangements in the structure of amorphous silicon, J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 299--302 265-268 (2002).

49. K. Kohary, S. Kugler, Z Hajnal, T. Kohler, T. Frauenheim, S. Katai and P. Deak: Atomistic simulation of the bonbardment process during the BEN phase of chemical vapor deposition (CVD) of diamond, Diamond and Related Materials, 11 513-518 (2002)

50. K. Kadas and S. Kugler: Properties of midgap states in doped amorphous silicon and carbon, J. Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials. 4 p455 (2002)

51. S. Kugler, K. Kohary , K. Kadas and L. Pusztai: Unusual atomic arrangements in amorphous silicon, Solid State Comm. 127 pp305-309 (2003)

52. K. Kohary and S. Kugler: Growth of amorphous silicon. Low energy Molecular Dynamics simulation of Atomic Bombardment, Molecular Simulation, 30 p17 (2004)

53. J. Hegedus, K. Kohary, S. Kugler: Comparative analysis of different preparation methods of chalcogenide glasses: Molecular dynamics structure simulations, J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 338-340, p283-286 (2004)

54. S. Kugler, K. Kohary , K. Kadas and L. Pusztai: Small bond angles in amorphous silicon: are they a new type of defects?, J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 338-340, p425-429 (2004)

55. J. Hegedus, K. Kohary, S. Kugler, and K. Shimakawa: Photo-induced volume changes in selenium. Tight-binding molecular dynamics study, J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 338-340, p557-560 (2004)

56. K. Shimakawa, Y. Ikeda, S. Kugler: Fundamental optoelectronic processes in amorphous chalcogenides;   (book chapter) Non-Crystalline Materials for Optoelectronics, Ed. G. Lucovsky and M. A. Popescu, INOE Publishing House,  pp103-130,  (2004)

57. J. Hegedus, K. Kohary, S. Kugler: Light-induced volume changes in amoprhous selenium. Molecular dynamics simulationl; sample preparation and excitation: J. Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 7 pp59-64 (2005)

58. L. Pusztai and  S. Kugler: Comparison of the structure of evaporated and ion-implanted amorphous silicon samples: J.Phys: Condens Matter, 17 pp2617-2624 (2005)

59. J. Hegedus, and S. Kugler: Molecular dynamics structure simulations of amorphous selenium prepared by different methods: J. Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 7 pp1923-1928 (2005)

60. J. Hegedus, K. Kohary, D.G. Pettifor, K. Shimakawa and S. Kugler: Photo-induced volume changes in amorphous selenium:  Phys. Rev. Lett., 95 206803 (2005)

61. J. Hegedus, K. Kohary, S. Kugler: Light-induced volume changes in glassy selenium II. Kinetics of volume expansion. J. Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 7 pp2231-2233 (2005)

62.  J. Hegedus and  S. Kugler:  Growth of amorphous selenium thin film: classical versus quantum mechanical molecular dynamics simulation:. J.Phys: Condens. Matter, 17 pp6459-6468 (2005)

63. S. Kugler, J Hegedus, and K. Kohary: Light-induced Volume Changes in Chalcogenide Glasses; (book chapter) Optical Properties of Condensed Matter, Ed. J. Singh, Wiley pp143-158 (2006)

64. J Hegedus, K. Kohary, and S. Kugler: Universal feature of photo-inducedvolume changes in chalcogenide glasses; J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 352 pp1587-1590 (2006)

65. S. Kugler, J Hegedus, and R. Lukacs: On photoinduced volume change in chalcogenide glasses; J. Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 9 pp37-42 (2007) 

  J Hegedus, K. Kohary, and S. Kugler: Modelling of photo-induced changes in chalcogenide glasses: a-Se and a-AsSe  Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 68, Issues 5-6, (2007)


67. Koichi Shimakawa and  Kugler Sandor: Photoinduced volume changes in chalcogenide glasses.  (Topic, in Japanese), Kotai Butsuri (Solid State Physics) 42 313-322 (2007)

68. S. Kugler, J. Hegedus, and K. Kohary, Modelling of photoinduced changes in chalcogenide glasses: a-Se and a-As2Se3  J. Mater. Sci.: Mater. Electron. 18, S163 (2007)


69. R. Lukacs, J. Hegedus, and S. Kugler: Structure and photoinduced volume changes of obliquely deposited amorphous selenium, J.  Applied Phys 104, 103512 (2008)

70. J. Singh, H. Baessler, and S. Kugler: A direct approach to study radiative emission from triplet excitations in molecular semiconductors and conjugated polymers,  J.  Chem. Phys. 129, 041103 (2008)


71. R. Lukacs, J. Hegedus and S. Kugler:  Microscopic and macroscopic models of photo-induced volume changes in amorphous selenium. J. Mater Sci: Mater Electron, 20:S33-S37 (2009)

72. J. Singh and S. Kugler: Light emission from dark excitons in light emitting devices, Phys. Status Solidi A, 206,  993-996 (2009)

73. R. Lukacs and S. Kugler: Photoinduced volume changes in obliquely deposited a-Se,
Phys. Status Solidi C, 7 509-512 (2010)

74. R. Lukacs, M. Veres, K. Shimakawa,  and S. Kugler:  On photoinduced volume change in amorphous selenium: Quantum chemical calculation and Raman spectroscopy, J.  Applied Phys 107, 073517 (2010)

75. R. Lukacs, S. Kugler: A simple model for the estimation of charge accumulation in amorphous selenium, Chemical Physics Letters 494 287-288 (2010)

76. S. Kugler: What is the origin of tail states in amorphous semiconductors?, Journal of Physics:Conference Series 253  012013 (2010)

R. Lukacs, M. Veres, K. Shimakawa, and S. Kugler: Photoinduced bond breaking in a-Se:
Raman spectroscopic study, Phys. Status Solidi C 8, No. 9, 2789–2791 (2011)

78. R. Lukacs, S. Kugler: Photoinduced Volume Changes of Obliquely and Flatly Deposited Amorphous AsSe Films Universal Description of the Kinetics, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 50  091401 (2011)

79. S. Kugler: Advances in understanding the defects contributing to the tail states in pure amorphous silicon J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 358 pp2060-2062 (2012)

80. R.J. Freitas, K. Shimakawa, and S. Kugler: Some remarks on glass-transition temperature in chalcogenide glasses: A correlaation with the microhardness. Chalcogenide Letters 10,  pp39-43 (2013).

Other publications

S. Kugler and S. Kökényesi: Preface, Phys. Status Solidi C 8, No. 9, 2553–2557 (2011)
