Szabolcs Vajna's Home Page


Sz. Vajna, E. Simon, A. Szilva, K. Palotás, B. Ujfalussy, and L. Szunyogh, "Higher-order contributions to the Rashba-Bychkov effect with application to the Bi/Ag(111) surface alloy",
Physical Review B 85, 075404 (2012)
[2] Sz. Vajna, B.Tóth, J.Kertész, "Modelling bursty time series",
New J. Phys. 15 103023 (2013) 
[3] M. Vigh, L. Oroszlány, Sz. Vajna, P. San-Jose, Gy. Dávid, J. Cserti, B. Dóra "Diverging dc conductivity due to a flat band in disordered pseudospin-1 Dirac-Weyl fermions", 
Physical Review B 88, 161413(R) (2013)
Sz. Vajna, B. Dóra, "Disentangling dynamical phase transitions from equilibrium phase transitions",
Phys. Rev. B 89, 161105(R) (2014)

Last modified: May 9, 2014